Tuesday, January 3, 2012

freedom is free

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Freedom is Free

cFrom fetus to death we are at war, a war of intellectual property, and that property is our minds. Our thoughts are prostituted through deviant means meant to manipulate our freedoms. The single greatest power we have is the power of choice, however, our choice lies in a prison of a monetary mentality. A system which sells you to the highest bidder, you are forced to believe everything sold is what you need, it is simply a battlefield of  power for thoughts. There is no shelter to these indoctrinating principles. Our history has been perverse from re-indoctrination of beliefs through a mercenary media. My DVD player is not my history, it is my curator of controlled time. My American eyes are no longer mine. They always have and always will be a falsehood I have been told to presupposes as truth. Everywhere I see are advertisements adverting me to what I should be, say do, and think. We have been told to have it all, but how does everyone have it all?

The sickness of society bleeds deep, society at all cost, when simply 'FREEDOM IS FREE'. Its a mind collusion to think the things you need are anything otherwise. We are all bought and sold in a market that commits us to participation. Participate in a system of greed. Capitalism like all 'isms' & 'ists' is the totality of this war. Look no further that the root of the word. I will not capitalize on another. Open your eyes your media is the filler, the killer of your independence.  You sit at the front line, your gun is cocked, your target in sight, dont let the nightmare continually revisit you, fire upon them, because they do not hesitate to fire on you. Every great man they have killed. Every free and independent soul they have slaughtered. The drugs and corruption in our minds. The elite 'monetary' rich only want you to spend. Don't be fooled by they supposed hatred of social welfare, you are worth more as a passive spender, than an educated saver. You are one or the other, slave or master to the will of manipulated propaganda. A dope pusher of bias thought on independence. Your leaders are no more than a launderer of criminal acts against self sufficiency . Our cities are industrialized cancers only meant to strip you of your place in life. I am not a junkie of empirical power. I am not in a man to man competition to prove my rights are any greater than yours. I will not respond to your brute force, I am not your money slave. I am one mind and I don't need your fanatical fascist version of freedom.

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